Massimo Schinco, originator of Eleogenetics, is a Psychologist and a Psychotherapist, working with individuals and families. He also works as a clinical supervisor in social services for children. Dott. Schinco has a long experience as teacher and trainer in post-graduate schools, universities and conservatories of music. Presently he is Adjunct Professor at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He also leads learning groups on “Clinics of the Family” at the University of Pavia (Italy), and dream-working groups in seminars and workshops in several countries. In 2018 he became a teacher of the Milton Erickson Institute of the Bay Area (USA). He is a member of the European Family Therapy Association and of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. As an amateur, he plays violin in the Orchestra Sinfonica Amatoriale Italiana. As an Author, he focuses on creative change in an interdisciplinary frame. On the subject, he has published many papers, chapters of books and three books.
Clara Capello is a professor of Psychodynamics at the Turin University (IT), now retired. She has a lifelong experience in teaching (Theories and Techniques in Psychological Interview) and research in the fields of interview and text-analysis. She also works as a Psychotherapist, and as a consultant and trainer for health-care professionals. As an Author, she has published many papers and books. Among them: "Perchè mi curo di te. Affetti e valori nel lavoro di cura" (Why I take care of you. Affections and values in the care profession), in coll. con M.T. Fenoglio, Rosenberg e Sellier, 2005.
Ferruccio Ceragioli is a Catholic Priest of the Turin Dioceses (IT). He teaches Fundaments of Theology at the Turin Section of the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy. He is Dean of the Major Seminar of the Turin Dioceses. After graduating in Physics, he took a PhD in Theology at the Theological faculty of Northern Italy. He focuses on the dialogue amongst Theology, Human and Natural Sciences. He works in the field of vocational guidance both for human and spiritual aspects and is Author of many papers and books.

Judy B. Gardiner is a consciousness researcher, speaker, and author whose study of dreams expands the potential for groundbreaking scientific-spiritual discovery and psychosocial epiphany. This is explicated in her book, “Lavender - An Entwined Adventure In Science and Spirit.” Her "cosmic dreaming" theory which describes a dimension of dreaming analogous to the Jungian collective unconscious has been presented at universities in the U.S. and Europe. Collaboration with the late Montague Ullman, M.D. led to a bidirectional theory of dreaming which connects personal concerns to cosmic events mirroring the emergence of wholeness and community advocated in Eleogenetics.
After his degree in Physics at L’Aquila University, Eliano Pessa earned a Master Degree in Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics at Rome University. Presently he is Special Professor of General Psychology at Pavia University, where he teaches also Psychological Research and Data Analysis Techniques. Finally, he keeps teaching Theories and Systems of Artificial Intelligence at Rome University “La Sapienza”. Out of his research activities, he wrote more than 200 papers and 8 books on topics like: Neural Nets, Robotics, A. I., studies on long term memory, global and local factors in visual perception, models of attention’s processes, competitive games and economical behavior, mathematical models of neural activity, quantum models of memory, General Systems Theory, models of self-organization in complex systems.
Michele Venanzi is a Psychologist and a Psychotherapist. He was trained in Sports Psychology, in Hypnosis, in Systemic Relational Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care of Health. He works in his private practice, holding collaborations with psychiatric institutions. At the Nursing Hospital “Villa San Benedetto Menni” near Como (IT) he coordinates the Pastoral Counseling Team. Finally, he works as a consultant in Sports Psychology both in the agonistic and psychiatric rehabilitation fields, and has published a book chapter on the subject.